Healthy Eating in Everyday Life

Healthy Eating in Everyday Life

Our body has to do a lot, every day from early morning until late at night. A wholesome diet strengthens us from within and gives us energy. But in the hectic everyday life, it can sometimes be quite difficult to eat healthily. Here you will find suggestions for the...
Mental illness

Mental illness

Mental illnesses are just as varied as physical illnesses. They affect mood and feelings, cause anxiety and compulsions, distort perception, or interfere with thinking and memory. Read here which diseases have psychological causes, how they are classified, how they...
Mental Health Disorder

Mental Health Disorder

Almost every third person suffers from a mental illness requiring treatment in the course of their life. Around ten percent of the absenteeism among working people can be traced back to mental illnesses. Depression, alcoholism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are...
Causes of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:Bad genes and bad luck

Causes of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:
Bad genes and bad luck

There is a genetic predisposition to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. A pathological hereditary disposition (genetic disposition) is the basic prerequisite for being at risk of developing an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Proven genetic...
Causes of Diabetes

Causes of Diabetes

The causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different. Both types of diabetes have one thing in common: reduced insulin production, albeit at very different speeds. Causes of type 1 diabetes The causes of type 1 diabetes are only partially known. It is known that...