Everything You Need To Know About Bananas: Benefits And Storage Tips

The banana, we see it on our stalls almost all year round! It is even the most exported fruit in the world. But do you really know the benefits of bananasAnd what is the difference between a green banana and a very ripe banana? In this article, we explain everything you need to know about bananas and we even give you some storage tips. 

Different Types of Bananas

There are two main categories of banana:

  • The dessert banana , the one we see most often on our stalls and which we eat raw. The variety we consume the most is the Cavendish
  • Cooking banana , such as plantains

For each of these two types, there are a multitude of varieties, which is why bananas can have a different size, shape and even color! 

In this article, we are going to focus on the banana that we consume: the Cavendish dessert banana . 

Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are full of many interesting benefits. In general, it is a fruit with a high nutritional density . This means that, for a small amount, it provides a lot of nutrients. 

Benefits of bananas n°1: Prevent cancer thanks to antioxidants

The banana is particularly rich in antioxidants , and these have the ability to prevent free radicals from oxidizing the cells of our body . Responsible for cell aging but also for the appearance of certain cancers , free radicals must be countered by antioxidants. This is how bananas are a major ally in preventing certain cancers. 

Indeed, several studies have already proven the interest of eating bananas to reduce the appearance of cancers. A study conducted in Switzerland on 61,000 women aged 40 to 76 and published in 2005 was able to establish a link between the consumption of bananas and the onset of kidney cancer . As you will have understood, the women who consumed more bananas in this sample presented lower risks of developing this cancer. In 1996, another study , carried out on men and women, was able to demonstrate the same relationship for colorectal cancer . 

By reducing free radicals, bananas also prevent the appearance of bad cholesterol , which has an impact on the appearance of cardiovascular pathologies .

Benefits of bananas n°2: a concentrate rich in minerals

Banana a natural anti-stress promoting concentration

Thanks to its magnesium and potassium content , the banana is a food known to be a natural anti-stress . Indeed, these two minerals participate in the relaxation of the nervous system and have the ability to slow the pulse in case of stress. These minerals therefore contribute to emotional balance. Particularly rich in potassium, the banana is a fruit that also promotes learning and memorization thanks to good oxygenation of the brain. 


The banana to prevent and fight against hypertension


Magnesium and potassium also help prevent and fight against hypertension , and therefore limit the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke . It is mainly potassium which would be at the origin of this. Indeed, several studies have already been able to establish a link between potassium consumption and blood pressure. A person who benefits from an adequate intake of potassium would be less prone to hypertension. 

Bananas to fight anemia

Rich in iron , the banana is very interesting to fight against anemia and to promote the production of hemoglobin . 

Benefits of bananas n°3: To be in a good mood

benefits of bananas in good mood

Thanks to its tryptophan and dopamine content , bananas greatly contribute to our good mood ! Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor of serotonin. Thus, transformed into serotonin, tryptophan will give the order to the brain to relax. This is where you will feel general well-being and a good mood !

This feeling is reinforced by the significant presence of vitamins B6 , also called pyridoxine , in bananas. This vitamin is essential to our body because more than a hundred enzymes need it to act. It is also particularly useful for the production of serotonin and dopamine, which influence our good mood. 

To prove just how important these elements are, one study showed that getting enough vitamins B6 and tryptophan even reduced symptoms of depression . 

As a reminder, it has also been proven that people with type 2 diabetes are more prone to vitamin B6 deficiency . If this is your case, then bananas can help you reduce this deficit! 

Benefits of bananas n ° 4: Ally of digestion

Bananas to take care of your microbiota

Thanks to the resistant starches it contains, bananas act as a prebiotic and allow good bacteria to develop in our intestinal flora. By nourishing and increasing the number of good bacteria in our digestive system, bananas help to have a healthy, repaired and regenerated digestive system .  

Banana for better transit

Banana for better transit

Do you know Grandma’s trick that you have to eat bananas when you have a bad transit? Well it’s not for nothing! Bananas, especially unripe bananas, contain pectin . In addition, the resistant starch it contains, which is an indigestible sugar, will increase the ability to absorb liquids and therefore allows normal bowel movements. Conversely, the presence of vitamins B6 helps fight against constipation . Bananas are therefore the ideal food for regaining a comfortable intestinal transit. And yes, grandmothers are often right 😉

Benefits of bananas n°5: Interesting food for sport

With its carbohydrate content, the banana provides energy and interesting vitamins . In addition, thanks to the magnesium and potassium it contains, it is also very effective in reducing cramps , promoting rapid muscle recovery and limiting fatigue . Finally, as it is satiating , it prevents you from throwing yourself on less nutritious and less healthy foods. 


Summary of its many benefits of bananas

benefits of bananas

What Are The Differences Between Green Banana And Ripe Banana?

Although they are the same fruit, green bananas and ripe bananas do not have exactly the same properties. 

A difference in glycemic index (GI) and taste

Indeed, ripe bananas will have a naturally sweeter taste , but their glycemic index (GI) will also be higher than green bananas. This is due to the presence of resistant starch. In a ripe banana, the amount of resistant starch decreases because some of it turns into digestible and simpler sugars like fructose and glucose. A ripe banana will therefore raise your blood sugar more quickly. As a reminder, glycemia represents the level of sugars in your blood.

However, it is not the carbohydrate content that changes but the type of carbohydrate because the enzymes are transformed! The state of ripening therefore has an impact on the rate of sugar absorption , but not on the carbohydrate content. 

yellow and green bananas

According to Montignac’s table of GIs , the GI of bananas according to their state of ripeness is as follows: 

  • Green , unripe banana: GI 35
  • Yellow banana without spot , just ripe: GI 45
  • And finally, the yellow banana with spots , very ripe: GI 50

A different digestion

The high presence of resistant starches makes the green banana less digestible . However, as the enzymes break down into simpler sugars, the banana matures and becomes more digestible. However, the banana is not a particularly difficult fruit to digest, so everything remains relative. 

A level of vitamins and minerals that decreases with ripening

As the fruit ripens , its level of vitamins , especially vitamin C, drops . However, the level of vitamin C contained in the ripe banana is still higher than the majority of fruits that we are used to consuming. Its level of pectin , an ally in digestion, also decreases as the fruit ripens. 

Higher antioxidant levels with ripening

Although bananas lose vitamins and minerals as they ripen, their antioxidant levels increase . As a reminder, it is the presence of antioxidants that fight against cell aging. Studies have thus been able to show a link between the appearance of certain cancers and the consumption of bananas.

Summary of the differences between a green banana and a ripe banana

Banana Infographic

How To Store Bananas?

Purchased from our stalls, the bananas are often barely ripe, with a yellow skin without stains. On the other hand, always avoid bananas whose skin is gray because it means that they have been refrigerated.

If you just leave them in your fruit basket, their skin will become mottled very quickly. So to enjoy the benefits of bananas a little longer, we give you advice on how to keep them! Be aware, however, that it is best to eat the banana as soon as you peel it because its flesh oxidizes quickly (unless you opt for freezing). 

fruit basket

Bananas in a bag to ripen faster

Bananas are so-called “ climacteric ” fruits, which means that their maturation continues after picking. This is due to a plant hormone that bananas naturally produce, ethylene gas .

So if you are in a hurry to taste ripe bananas faster than their classic ripening, know that you can speed up this process  with a simple technique. It is enough to accelerate the production of ethylene gas. To do this, place your bananas in a bag that is preferably dark in color and fairly opaque. Close the well and place it in a room at room temperature . The bananas enclosed in the bag maintain a higher temperature, produce more ethylene gas, and therefore ripen more quickly.

Bananas hung to ripen gently

So that your bananas can ripen gently , the ideal would be to be able to hang them on a hook , in a room at room temperature around 20°C .

Another tip is to pack the stems tightly to limit the production and proliferation of ethylene gas.

bananas hanging on hooks

Bananas in the fridge, the bad idea

Whether you’re anxious for your bananas to ripen faster, or trying to slow down this process, know one thing: Bananas have character and they’re chilly. In other words, they hate the cold and will let you know. Below 12°C, their skin will turn black very quickly and their taste will be slightly different. We therefore advise you not to put them in your fridge, always prefer to keep them at room temperature.

Sliced ​​or mashed in the freezer

If you want to keep them for longer than a few days, we recommend freezing them . Bananas, still half-frozen, are ideal for preparing cakes or nice cream for example. They are also very practical to add to your cool smoothies in summer. Freezing them is an easy way to have fruit on hand all the time. For this, two solutions are available to you:

bananas and lemons
  • sliced ​​banana 

First peel off the skin of the banana, cut the flesh into slices and put the slices in a freezer bag or box, then in your freezer. 

  • mashed banana 

First remove the skin from the banana, then mash it into a puree. To avoid the oxidation of its flesh, do not hesitate to add a little lemon juice on top. Then place your mashed banana in the freezer. 

What about Dried Bananas?

Dried Bananas

The benefits of dried bananas are slightly different. To reach this state, we extracted all the water it contained. This process affects its nutritional values, making it richer in nutrients but also higher in calories . 

Indeed, its caloric value can reach 250 cal / 100g, against 89 cal / 100 for fresh fruit! 

Be careful if you decide to buy slices of dried bananas and take a good look at their composition. Indeed, it is not uncommon to see that sugar has been added .

Zero Waste Tips With Banana Peel

Once you have enjoyed the benefits of bananas, you are left with its skin in your hands. At this point, you have several solutions: you can throw it in the trash, which is not ideal. You can also compost it, in your household compost or in the industrial compost of your city. But know that you can also give it a real use ! Indeed, banana peel is known for several things! 

Banana peel to make your gardens bloom

At first, it is a very qualitative natural fertilizer since its skin is also rich in potassium . This mineral is very interesting to promote flowering and fruiting of your plants. If you like this trick, know that all you have to do is cut the skin of your banana into strips and place them at the base of your flowering plants. This trick works particularly well with roses. 

Banana peel to reduce inflammation on your skin

Banana peel is also used to reduce rashes, itching from bites and sunburn . So we’re not telling you that you’ll have class with a banana peel taped on your back because of your sunburn, but hey, if it works… 🤷🏼‍♀️☀️🍌

To do this, first clean your skin with soap and water to have a clean surface. Then gently place the inside of the banana peel on the part concerned for at least ten minutes. This trick is useful to reduce discomfort and allow the skin to regenerate more quickly.