Nutrition for the Family – Healthy for Young and Old

Healthy eating plays an important role throughout our lives and at all ages. Therefore, all family members of all ages should deal with the topic of “healthy eating” and learn from each other. But it is often difficult to reconcile stressful everyday life and a healthy diet for the family. Nevertheless, the basic principle of a healthy and balanced diet is simple and should be taught from an early age. You can find out here how you can make your children’s and family’s diet healthier while still having fun with food.

Healthy nutrition for families in stressful everyday life


As a mother, everyday life can quickly become stressful. Getting up early in the morning, waking up the kids and getting them ready while incorporating your own morning routine. Arriving in the kitchen, breakfast has to be made quickly and the lunch box filled. Everything should be as healthy and fresh as possible . Healthy nutrition is an important basic building block, especially for the optimal development of children. Children need energy and nutrients to run around, learn and discover the world. Therefore, if the necessary vitamins and nutrients are not ingested through food, they can quickly become sluggish and listless. That means: A wrong dietcan have an enormous impact on the eating behavior of children up to adulthood and defines their relationship to food.

“In infancy, eating habits are shaped for life.”

Healthy eating…:

  • Strengthens the immune system and reduces susceptibility to diseases
  • Promotes performance
  • Keeps kids active
  • Prevents later weight problems
  • Ensures a balanced metabolism
  • Supports bone formation, physical and mental development

Copied from the big ones – the role model function of the parents

Healthy Lifestyle

Parents and siblings are the most important and formative role models for their children right from the start . The other children in daycare or kindergarten are also analyzed in detail. Inevitably, eating behavior is also scrutinized and imitated. For this reason, it is important that parents set an example for their children to lead a healthy lifestyle in the early years and that they get used to healthy eating in a playful way.

Consequently, it is extremely important that a healthy diet is a habit and is also practiced in everyday life. So try to eat at least one meal a day together as a family . For example, at the weekend it can be breakfast , while during the week we cook dinner together . Sharing meals makes it easier to instill healthy habits in children .

Healthy nutrition for the family – the changeover

Healthy food

Re-educating the family about healthy eating is not easy and should not happen overnight . Therefore, family members should be introduced to new foods and tastes slowly and with care.

A change in diet should always be carried out gradually. With a radical change, there is a risk that the healthy diet will be given the character of a diet . A diet has something compulsive and is mostly associated with prohibitions. Therefore, a long-term change in diet can sometimes take 2 years . In most cases, the idea and motivation for changing your diet initially comes from just one person in the household. With that, she puts on her hat to keep motivating everyone else. If you also want to motivate your family to make their diet healthier, you can work your way along the following rules and apply some of our tips.

Rules for snacking and healthy eating for the family