Lose 20 kilos: With these tips you can do it – Permanently!

Would you like to lose 20 kilos permanently and without giving up? In our big weight loss guide, we’ll tell you how to do it – without the yo-yo effect!

It takes many months to lose 20 kg or more – and you have to be able to keep it up. In order for this to work, you should make a plan. Keep motivating yourself and getting as much support as possible. 

If you are trying to lose 20 kg and more on your own, you should follow the tips below and definitely stay away from lightning diets . You may lose weight very quickly at first and the pounds just seem to tumble, but then the notorious yo-yo effect is guaranteed to follow and the pounds will come back faster than you would like.

Tip:Long-term and healthy weight loss works particularly well with a nutrition plan. There are now some good online offers for the fit lifestyle. Providers such as the online health portal fitumenia* offer you a holistic plan for nutrition and fitness with personal advice.

Book tip: If you want to permanently lose 20 kilos or more, we recommend the guide “Slim! and healthy with the Doc Fleck method” . In it, preventive and nutritionist Dr. medical Anne Fleck on how to change your diet without making sacrifices. The result: falling pounds and a new, healthy body feeling.

Lose 20 pounds just by changing your diet

If you really want to lose a lot and keep your desired weight permanently, you cannot avoid changing your diet in the long term.

In order to lose weight permanently, you have to change your diet and lose weight slowly.” The expert recommends losing a maximum of two kilos a month , no more than half a kilo a week.

Prevent yo-yo effect

A change in diet instead of the crash diet has three advantages: you get full, you are supplied with all the nutrients and the body’s metabolism is not slowed down, as is the case with radical diets. In other words: once you have reached your desired weight, you can keep it and do not have to fear that the yo-yo effect will occur.

In order for the change in diet to work permanently, it is important that you do not forbid yourself any food. Silke Restemeyer: “It depends on the right amount of food – then everything is allowed.” This means: low-calorie foods such as vegetables, fruit or low-fat dairy products may be eaten several times a day, high-calorie foods such as fast food or sweets only rarely and in small portions.

Weight loss program: There are now a variety of different weight loss programs. This includes, for example, myWW™ (formerly Weight Watchers)

Tip: Be sure to include vegetables in each of your meals. You should also reduce the portion of pasta or meat.

Reading tip: Which Nutrition is Best For Weight Loss?

Weight loss tip: keep a food diary

Frustration eaters, eating too much sweets, eating out of boredom – there are a lot of different types of eating. Keeping a food diary will help you identify bad habits and fight them successfully.

> Here’s a good food diary

Track exactly what you ate and how many calories you ate each day for a week. You will quickly recognize the weaknesses of your previous diet. Now it is time to change this.

A little tip: If you don’t feel like writing everything down on paper, there are now apps that do the whole thing for you.

The right foods to lose weight

The fewer calories a food has, the easier it is to eat your fill. Of course, vegetables and fruit, which contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, are perfect. Please access here: These are the  best healthiest foods!

These foods can be served several times a day with a clear conscience:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • low fat dairy products
  • Whole grain products (bread, pasta, oatmeal)

These foods are allowed on the table several times a week:

  • legumes
  • lean meat
  • lean fish

Reading tip: How do I eat right? You should definitely know these tips


Preparation is everything

Eat three to five healthy meals a day instead of snacking around the clock. Because the little things in between usually bring a lot of calories with them. Instead of resorting to unhealthy ready meals, you should also try to cook yourself more often. This way you know exactly what foods you are eating and how many calories you are consuming.

Recipes for losing weight

For example, you can prepare overnight oats for your breakfast the night before. They taste particularly delicious with chia seeds and fresh fruit.

A light meal with lots of vegetables, some fish or lean meat and potatoes is ideal for lunch or dinner.